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Books about Aliens
Stories and books about alien encounters.
The THREAT: Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda
Sometimes pop culture produces its best comedies by accident--witness the Hula-Hoop craze, roller disco, and now the alien abduction phenomenon. In this hilarious "exposé" David Jacobs reveals the secret agenda that compels aliens to abduct human men and women. Some of the best material is in his section on research methods, where he decries the use of hypnotism by other alien-abduction specialists, because it can produce false memories; he then goes on to explain that most of his data comes from hypnotically induced recollections. The stories he relates from the various abductees he has worked with are all titillatingly sexual, and Jacobs writes that this consistency proves not that people are prone to sexual fantasies, but that the aliens are using humans for their breeding program. Filled with delightful howlers of this sort, The Threat is a laugh riot from beginning to end. Toss out your Dave Barry books and move up to the real thing.
Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us
Alien Agenda is the silk thread leading the way through the maze of UFO literature into the heart of the UFO controversy. While he begins with the premise that the existence of UFOs cannot be denied, Jim Marrs (author of Crossfire, the mother of all John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy books) boldly strides into the battle over what UFOs are and why they are here. Marrs's investigative skills are invaluable in this re-examination of questions that have been overlooked, unaddressed, or unsatisfactorily resolved.
Aliens in America: Conspiracy Cultures from Outerspace to Cyberspace
Is paranoia the defining feature of American life at the close of the 20th century? Jodi Dean thinks so, and she doesn't think we should be too worried about it. Aliens in America is her attempt to map the role of conspiracy theories in society, and although the book sometimes has problems negotiating the fine line between academic and popular discourse, it provides some fascinating insights. Dean suggests that paranoia is the only possible response to a fragmented culture. Multiplying TV channels and the publishing free-for-all of the Internet provide so many points of view, so many opportunities for contradictory meanings to coexist that "there isn't enough common reality to justify judgement." In the face of this info-maelstrom, conspiracy theorists and alien abductees are actively creating their own meanings, piecing together an ideology from the mass of unverifiable "facts." For Dean, these creative acts are powerful, positive engagements with the world as it has become, contrasting sharply with the attitudes of those who are trying to hang on to a vanished consensus. By bringing the apparatus of cultural theory to bear on this subject, Dean gives a provocative new interpretation of our premillennium tension. --Simon Leake
Captured by Aliens: The Search for Life and Truth in a Very Large Universe
Joel Achenbach (Why Things Are) describes Captured by Aliens as a travelogue, a record of his strange journey into "alien country." With Carl Sagan as a sort of totem animal on this spirit quest (in fact, one of the author's first stops is Sagan's living room), Achenbach plots an eccentric course through the land of UFOs and the search for extraterrestrial life, going from NASA headquarters in Washington, DC to local MUFON meetings, from an asteroid-blasted quarry in Belize to a Las Vegas hotel room in which he's hypnotized by an alien abductee. He even visits the set of the X-Files. (Achenbach reveals Gillian Anderson's very un-Scully-like take on alien beings: "[T]hey operate, vibrate--this is going to make me sound like a complete nut--they vibrate on a different energy level than we do.") With the investigative skill of a seasoned reporter (which Achenbach is, for the Washington Post) and the wit and charm of an NPR commentator (which he also is), Achenbach turns out to be the perfect companion for such a cosmic road trip. This curious, earnest, and frequently hilarious writer proves equally at ease with legit figures like Sagan and NASA administrator Dan Goldin as he is with self-described "Starseeds" (aliens in human bodies) and technophiles like Mars-booster Bob Zubrin. Achenbach knows his science, but he always brooks just the right amount of nonsense. --Paul Hughes