Below are ten
names of the most educated,
respected UFologists
alive today. By studying
their theories and published
works, you will be on
the forefront of UFology
Clark: Researcher
and writer. He attended
South Dakota State University
and Minnesota State
University, becoming
interested in the UFO
phenomenon in the 1960s.
He initially embraced
the interdimensional
hypothesis to explain
UFOs, but then turned
to Extraterrestrial
Hypothesis as the best
explanation. His focus
is on UFO cases with
multiple witnesses,
or those which leave
physical evidence. He
is an active board member
of CUFOS, and has served
as the editor of the
CUFOS journal, as well
as The Journal for UFO
Studies. In the 1990s
he published a massive
three volume UFO Encyclopedia,
which earned him the
1998 Benjamin Franklin
Award in the Science
category. He has written
and co-written several
books on UFOs.
T. Friedman: Nuclear
Physicist. He received
his BS and MS from University
of Chicago, and worked
for 14 years on advanced,
classified projects
such as nuclear aircraft,
fission and fusion rockets,
and nuclear power plants
for space. He is possibly
the best-known UFO lecturer
in North America, having
been the first promoter
of the Roswell incident,
and the most significant
voice of the Extraterrestrial
Hypothesis. His written
testimony has been used
in Congressional hearings,
and he has appeared
before the UN twice.
He has published two
books covering his work
with the MJ-12 documents
and the Roswell incident.
F. Haines, Ph.D.:
Research Scientist for
NASA from 1967-1988.
He received his MA and
Ph.D. in Experimental
Psychology from Michigan
State University. He
investigated aviation
accidents and incidents
for FAA, NTSB, and attorneys.
For 37 years he has
specialized in pilot
sightings, amassing
more than 3,000 reports.
Other special interests
include analysis of
photographic evidence
and data on Close Encounters
of the Fourth Kind.
He has written two books
and numerous UFO articles.
Haisch, Ph.D.: Astrophysicist
and President of Digital
Universe Foundation;
Chief Science Officer
for ManyOne Networks,
Inc; Director of California
Institute for Physics
and Astrophysics; and
editor of numerous scientific
journals. He earned
his Ph.D. from the University
of Wisconsin. Self-described
as a “UFO skeptic, standing
somewhere between the
majority rejectionist
view of mainstream scientific
community and the majority
accepting view of the
general public,” Haisch
advocates personal research
of phenomenon while
suspending judgment.
A. Harder, Ph.D.:
Professor of Civil and
Hydraulic Engineering
and Professor Emeritus
at University of California
at Berkeley. Harder
received his BS at Caltech,
and his MS and Ph.D.
at University of California
in Berkeley. From 1969-1982
he was the director
of research for Aerial
Phenomena Research Organization,
one of the first civilian
organizations to study
UFOs. He was the primary
investigator on a number
of classical UFO cases,
mainly related to alien
abductions. He is a
strong advocate of the
Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
and the government cover-up
Keel: Parapsychologist
and Journalist. Keel
is best-known for his
ideas that there is
a direct relationship
between UFOs and psychic
phenomena and demonology.
He is one of the most
widely read and influential
UFologists since the
early 1970s. His 1967
book, The Mothman
a strange winged creature
reportedly seen in West
Virginia by numerous
witnesses—was loosely
adapted into a 2002
Maccabbee, Ph.D.:
Optical Physicist. He
received his BS in physics
from Worcester Polytechnical
Institute, and his MA
and Ph.D. at American
University in Washington
DC. He has been active
in UFO research since
the 1960s, when he joined
NICAP. After its demise
he joined MUFON and
is now state director
for Maryland. He was
instrumental in establishing
the Fund for UFO Research.
He is the author and
co-author of numerous
technical articles and
E. Mack, Ph.D.:
Psychiatrist, psychoanalyst,
and Pulitzer-prize winning
biographer. He received
his medical degree from
Harvard Medical School
after his undergraduate
years at Oberlin. He
graduated from the Boston
Psychoanalytic Society
and Institute and was
Board certified in child
and adult psychoanalysis.
He was a professor of
psychology at Harvard
until his untimely death
in a car accident in
2004. (We include him
in this article of contemporary
UFologists, since his
work is relevant today.)
Mack’s clinical work
focused on the exploration
of dreams, nightmares,
and teen suicide. In
1990 he published his
research on alien abduction
encounters, concluding,
“There is compelling
powerful phenomenon
here that I can’t account
for any other way, that’s
mysterious…it seems
to me that it invites
deeper, further inquiry.”
A Sturrock, Ph.D.:
British Scientist. He
studied mathematics
at Cambridge University
where he earned his
Ph.D. Much of his career
has been devoted to
electron physics, particle
accelerators, plasma
physics, solar physics,
astrophysics, and scientific
interference. He was
appointed professor
of applied physics at
Stanford University,
where he is now professor
emeritus. Gaining interest
in UFology, and curious
about the general attitudes
toward the field, Sturrock
conducted two major
surveys involving more
than 2,500 scientists.
Upon learning that a
majority of scientists
favored better research
of UFOs, Sturrock helped
establish the Society
of Scientific Exploration
to provide a forum for
the subject. His studies
have since been published.
Vallee, Ph.D.: French-born
Computer Scientist and
Astronomer. After receiving
his BS in Mathematics
and his MS in Physics,
he came to the US 1962
and began working in
astronomy at the University
of Texas. He worked
at MacDonald Observatory
on NASA’s first project
making a detailed informational
map of Mars. He then
received his Ph.D. in
Computer Science at
Northwestern University,
where he was a student
of renowned UFologist,
J. Allen Hynek. Initially
he promoted the Extraterrestrial
Hypothesis, but later
modified it, introducing
the Multidimensional
Visitation Hypothesis.
His exploration of the
commonalities between
UFOs, cults, religious
movements, angels, ghosts,
cryptid sightings, and
psychic phenomena contributed
to his change in ideas.
He was the model for
the UFO researcher in
Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster,
Close Encounters
of the Third Kind,
and served as a consultant
on the set. He has authored
numerous books and articles
on various subjects,
including UFOs.
the Author:
Francesca Black a long
time science fiction
buff, manages content
for UFO Gifts
and Science Fiction